Now that I have set my course, I need to make a road map. I could just walk down to the registrars office and change my party of course, but that's not what I mean. I can articulate the DNC and GOP platforms fairly well, and if I'm going to be an effective Libertarian then I need to dig into the platform and understand it as well.
I could just dig into the platform planks, but it seems I should start from the very beginning and that's what I'm going to do. The platforms of all three parties start with a preamble, so then shall I.
All of the preambles should, of course, square against the US constitutions preamble, so I'll start with that as a reference.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
This is almost poetry. Call it a mission statement. It tells who is acting (We the people) what they are doing (establishing a constitution) and why (everything else), and in only 52 words.
Now to look at the Republican platform preamble. I'm shall comment on it line by line for all 605 words. This can lead to a somewhat stilted reading experience. If you wish to read it directly I suggest this source:
I shall grade each statement with how much it resonates with my values by granting a +1, -1 or 0. The platform shall be in bold, and my grades in normal type.
This is a platform of enduring principle, not passing convenience – the product of the most open and transparent process in American political history.I do not know the process used so I'll grade this a 0.
We offer it to our fellow Americans in the assurance that our Republican ideals are those that unify our country:I like this statement because it codifies the ideals, but it is structure, not content. 0
Courage in the face of foreign foes.Sounds right. +1
An optimistic patriotism, driven by a passion for freedom.Sounds right, although I'm not sure what the GOP means by "freedom". Hopefully this document will tell me. 0
Devotion to the inherent dignity and rights of every person.Good news this. +1
Faith in the virtues of self-reliance, civic commitment, and concern for one another.Sounds like feel-good stuffing. 0
Distrust of government’s interference in people’s lives.I believe this. I am not convinced the GOP does. +1
Dedication to a rule of law that both protects and preserves liberty.I believe this. I am not convinced the GOP does. +1
We present this platform at an uncertain point in time.When ever was there a certain point in time? Fear mongering. True, but still fear mongering. How is this optimistic. Losing points for internal contradiction. -1
Our country remains at war and committed to victory, but reckless political forces would imperil that goal and endanger our nation.True. It also annoys me because this is not a principle, but a commercial. 0
In the economy and in society at large, it is a time of transformation.Political rhetoric. 0
But the American people will meet these challenges.Here is some real optimism, but still rhetoric. 0
Even with its uncertainties, they embrace the future, but they are also too wise to rush headlong into it.Rhetoric. 0
We are an adventurous, risk-taking people, but we are not gamblers.Optimistic. Honest. Rehtoric. 0
A sound democracy trusts new leadership but insists that it demonstrate the old virtues: the character and the command that, in times of conflict and crisis, have led the Republic through its trials.This is crap. "A sound democracy trusts new leadership..." No. A sound democracy chooses proper new leadership and doesn't just trust it. This is also in conflict with the earlier statement of values "Distrust of government’s interference in people’s lives." -1
This platform likewise rests on proven truths and tested wisdom as it looks ahead, both to deal with present challenges and to explore possibilities that may sometimes seem beyond our grasp.Commercial. Might be over reaching. 0
It shows what the American people can accomplish when government respects their rights, conserves their resources, and calls upon their love of country.This platform does only one of these three things. The GOP has hardly been the party of respecting people's rights, nor conserving their resources. But the platform does call upon love of country. -1
It is not a tribute to bigger government.Rhetoric. 0
Our platform is presented with enthusiasm and confidence in a vision for the future, but also with genuine humility – humility before God and before a nation of free and independent thinkers.Humility before God and the nation. Perhaps. But it is as I believe. +1
As the party of ideas, rather than a mere coalition of interests, we consider vigorous debate a strength, not a weakness.This is a comparison between the GOP and the DNC. But as a platform for a party I would be part of this would be on the right track. Vigorous debate is a value of mine. +1
Indeed, we are a party – as we are a nation – of mavericks.Election buzzword rhetoric. 0
Yet we stand united today because we are the one party that speaks to all Americans – conservatives, moderates, libertarians, independents, and even liberals.Sure it does. 0
We welcome all to our deliberations in the firm belief that the principles embodied in this platform will prove to be as compelling and persuasive as they are vital and enduring.I don't know the history. An open process is good. I'm unsure of the final output being vital and enduring. Many collaborative efforts utterly fail. 0
We do not fear disagreement, and we do not demand conformity, but we do fight for our principles with confidence that the best ideas will prevail in the end.I actually don't have the same faith. I believe that often the better idea may fail. Poor ideal well present often prevail, at least in the short term. 0
Our party embodies a uniquely American spirit.Perhaps true. Not enough to earn points. Other parties can probably say this, and their platforms are awful. 0
It is the spirit of independent minds, the conviction that open and honest debate is essential to the freedom we enjoy as Americans.True. But from the party that pushed and passed McCain-Fiengold? +1
This platform is a testament to that freedom and stands as our promise to future generations that we will do whatever it takes to preserve it.I like the sound, but I don't believe it from the same people that brought us McCain-Fiengold. +1
It is grounded on our heartfelt belief that our principles, our policies, and our vision will lead our American family, not just through present dangers, but to a horizon of prosperity and liberty mankind has only begun to explore.Commercial. 0
With gratitude for eight years of honorable service from President George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the Republican Party now stands united behind new leadership, an American patriot, John McCain.Commercial. 0
In support of his candidacy and those of our fellow Republicans across the nation – and ever grateful to Almighty God for the political, religious, and civil liberties we enjoy -- we, the representatives of the Republican Party in the states and territories of the United States, offer this platform to the American people.Commercial. 0
Zeros: 19
Pluses: 8
Minuses: 3
Time to look at the DNC preamble now, all 1512 words.
We come together at a defining moment in the history of our nation – the nation that led the 20th century, built a thriving middle class, defeated fascism and communism, and provided bountiful opportunity to many.
True. 0
We Democrats have a special commitment to this promise of America.
Perhaps true. 0
We believe that every American, whatever their background or station in life, should have the chance to get a good education, to work at a good job with good wages, to raise and provide for a family, to live in safe surroundings, and to retire with dignity and security.
I agree with this, but I strongly believe the DNC and my idea of "have the chance" are different. +1
We believe that quality and affordable health care is a basic right.
Socialist tripe. -1
We believe that each succeeding generation should have the opportunity, through hard work, service and sacrifice, to enjoy a brighter future than the last.
True, but it says nothing about how this would be accomplished. 0
But today, we are at a crossroads.
When are we not? 0
As we meet, we are in the sixth year of a two-front war.
So? 0
Our economy is struggling.
Lie. -1
Our planet is in peril.
Big lie. -1
A great nation now demands that its leaders abandon the politics of partisan division and find creative solutions to promote the common good.
Agree with this. I have seen no such behavior from the DNC. +1
A people that prizes candor, accountability, and fairness insists that a government of the people must level with them and champion the interests of all American families.
Agreed. Again, how? 0
A land of historic resourcefulness has lost its patience with elected officials who have failed to lead.
No. -1
It is time for a change.
Yes. +1
We can do better.
Yes. +1
And so, Democrats – through the most open platform process in history – are reaching out today to Republicans, Independents, and all Americans who hunger for a new direction a reason to hope.
The GOP claimed the same thing. Same grade. 0
Today, at a defining moment in our history, the Democratic Party resolves to renew America’s promise.
Rehtoric. 0
Over the past eight years, our nation’s leaders have failed us.
Lie. -1
Sometimes they invited calamity, rushing us into an ill-considered war in Iraq.
Lie. -1
But other times, when calamity arrived in the form of hurricanes or financial storms, they sat back, doing too little too late, and too poorly.
Big lie. -1
The list of failures of this Administration is historic.
Rhetoric. 0
The American Dream is at risk.
From Obama, yes. 0
Incomes are down and foreclosures are up.
True, but not a principle. 0
Millions of our fellow citizens have no health insurance while families working longer hours are pressed for time to care for their children and aging parents.
Not a principle. 0
Gas and home heating costs are squeezing seniors and working families alike.
Might have been true when written, but still not a principle. 0
We are less secure and less respected in the world.
Sort of depends on how you define "respect". As for security, when was the last time you heard of an embasy being bombed? 0
After September 11, we could have built the foundation for a new American century, but instead we instigated an unnecessary war in Iraq before finishing a necessary war in Afghanistan.
Sort of true. We had perfectly good reasons to attack Iraq, but the war on terror wasn't one of them. 0
Careless policies, inept stewardship and the broken politics of this Administration have taken their toll on our economy, our security and our reputation.
What would those be? Rhetoric. 0
But even worse than the conditions we find ourselves in are the false promises that brought us here.
Rhetoric. 0
The Republican leadership said they would keep us safe, but they overextended our military and failed to respond to new challenges.
Lie and Rhetoric. 0
They said they would be compassionate conservatives, but they failed to rescue our citizens from the rooftops of New Orleans, neglected our veterans, and denied health insurance to children.
Lies about New Orleans and veterans. The government is not in the business of providing health insurance to children. -1
They promised fiscal responsibility but instead gave tax cuts to the wealthy few and squandered almost a trillion dollars in Iraq.
I'm not rich. I got a tax cut. Lie. -1
They promised reform but allowed the oil companies to write our energy agenda and the credit card companies to write the bankruptcy rules.
Might be true. 0
These are not just policy failures.
Rhetoric. 0
They are failures of a broken politics –a politics that rewards self-interest over the common interest and the short-term over the long-term, that puts our government at the service of the powerful.
I believe in long term self interest. This is a +1 and a -1, so 0.
A politics that creates a state-of-the-art system for doling out favors and shuts out the voice of the American people.
This is EXACTLY what the DNC wants. And it's also rhetoric. 0
So, we come together not only to replace this President and his party –and not only to offer policies that will undo the damage they have wrought.
Commercial. 0
Today, we pledge a return to core moral principles like stewardship, service to others, personal responsibility, shared sacrifice and a fair shot for all –values that emanate from the integrity and optimism of our Founders and generations of Americans since.
Agree on the core values. +1
Today, we Democrats offer leaders – from the White House to the State House – worthy of this country’s trust.
Lie. 0
We will start by renewing the American Dream for a new era – with the same new hope and new ideas that propelled Franklin Delano Roosevelt towards the New Deal and John F. Kennedy to the New Frontier.
Commercial. 0
We will provide immediate relief to working people who have lost their jobs, families who are in danger of losing their homes, and those who – no matter how hard they work – are seeing prices go up more than their income.
Relief how? Sounds suspicious. 0
We will invest in America again –in world-class public education, in our infrastructure, and in green technology –so that our economy can generate the good, high-paying jobs of the future.
Can you say "tax and spend" any louder? -1
We will end the outrage of unaffordable, unavailable health care, protect Social Security, and help Americans save for retirement.
Rhetoric. None of this is attainable. 0
And we will harness American ingenuity to free this nation from the tyranny of oil.
Should have said "tyeranny of foreign oil". This from the same people that prohibit every bit of oil drilling they can? Lie. But I agree with the idea. +1
The Democratic Party believes that there is no more important priority than renewing American leadership on the world stage.
Whoa. This is the most important thing? How about just following the constitution and let the world think what it will? -1
This will require diplomatic skill as capable as our military might.
Obama is not up to this challenge. Still, rhetoric. 0
Instead of refusing to confront our most pressing threats, we will use all elements of American power to keep us safe, prosperous, and free.
What mystery "most pressing threats" are these? Rhetoric. 0
Instead of alienating our nation from the world, we will enable America –once again –to lead.
Feelgood rhetoric. 0
For decades, Americans have been told to act for ourselves, by ourselves, on our own. Democrats reject this recipe for division and failure.
I embrace it. -1
Today, we commit to renewing our American community by recognizing that solutions to our greatest challenges can only be rooted in common ground and the strength of our civic life.
Rhetoric. 0
The American people do not want government to solve all our problems; we know that personal responsibility, character, imagination, diligence, hard work and faith ultimately determine individual achievement.
True! I don't think they believe it, but I agree. +1
But we also know that at every turning point in our nation’s history, we have demonstrated our love of country by uniting to overcome our challenges—whether ending slavery, fighting two world wars for the cause of freedom or sending a man to the moon.
(Has anyone told them that the DNC opposed the end of slavery?) Rhetoric. 0
Today, America must unite again –to help our most vulnerable residents get back on their feet and to restore the vitality of both urban centers and family farms –because the success of each depends on the success of the other.
Double talk rhetoric. 0
And America must challenge us again –to serve our country and to meet our responsibilities –whether in our families or local governments; our civic organizations or places of worship.
Rhetoric. 0
Americans have been promised change before.
True. 0
And too often we have been disappointed.
True. 0
We believe we must change not just our policies, but our politics as well.
True. +1
We cannot keep doing the same things and expect to get different results.
True (but effectively a repeat.) 0
That is why today we come together not only to prevent a third Bush term.
Stupid rhetoric. 0
Today, we pledge to renew American democracy by promoting the use of new technologies to make it easier for Americans to participate in their government.
Interesting. I don't believe the DNC will do this. But I generally support the ideal. +1
We will shine a light on government spending and Washington lobbying –so that every American is empowered to be a watchdog and a whistle blower.
Sure you will. Corrolary from above. 0
We are the party of inclusion and respect differences of perspective and belief.
Major lie. They don't include right to life people. 0
And so, even when we disagree, we will work together to move this country forward.
Rhetoric. 0
There can be no Republican or Democratic ideas, only policies that are smart and right and fair and good for America –and those that aren’t.
True. Basic claim to non-partisan. Repeat. 0
We will form a government as decent, candid, purposeful and compassionate as the American people themselves.
Lie. 0
This is the essence of what it means to be a patriot: not only to declare our love of this nation, but to show it –by our deeds, our priorities, and the commitments we keep.
What in the hell is this definition doing in a preamble? It can only be here to counter the view of some that the DNC is not patriotic. 0
If we choose to change, just imagine what we can do.
Commercial. 0
What makes America great has never been its perfection, but the belief that it can be made better.
Interesting. Doesn't sound true. But it's not a principle either. 0
And that people who love this country can change it.
Rhetoric. 0
This is the country of Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez, and Rosa Parks – people who had the audacity to believe that their country could be a better place, and the courage to work to make it so.
Rhetoric. 0
And this Party has always made the biggest difference in the lives of the American people when we summoned the entire nation to a common purpose.
Commercial. 0
We have a choice to make.
True. 0
We can choose to stay the current failed course.
What's failed about it? 0
Or we can choose a path that builds upon the best of who and what we are, that reflects our highest values.
Rhetoric. 0
We can have more of the last eight years, or we can rise together and create a new kind of government.
(By "new" they mean "Socialist") Rhetoric: 0
The time for change has come, and America must seize it.
Rhetoric. 0
Zeros: 54
Pluses: 9
Minuses: 12
And now, the Libertarian Party Preamble. All 180 words of it.
As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty;
Rhetoric. 0
... a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives...
Good. +1
... and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.
Good. +1
We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, ...
Good. +1
... that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships,
Good. +1
... and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.
True. +1
Consequently, we defend each person's right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings.
Good. +1
The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.
Great. +1
In the following pages we have set forth our basic principles and enumerated various policy stands derived from those principles.
Structure. 0
These specific policies are not our goal, however. Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime, and it is to this end that we take these stands.
commercial. 0
Zeros: 3
Pluses: 7
Minuses: 0
This might seem to be the end of it, and clearly on an absolute scale this is correct. But what about the "word value" of the preambles? After all, the DNC is much larger than either of the others.
I will compute word value by diving the words by the absolute agreement rating. Then sort them on that scale.
LP: 7 / 180 = 25 = .03888
GOP: 5 / 605= .00826
DNC: -3 / 1512 = -.00198
It is obviously clear that the Libertarian party much more strongly resonates with my personal values.