Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Splitting the vote: another myth.

I'm so sick and tired of hearing how voting for a Libertarian only takes votes away from Republicans. What tripe! I'm here to proclaim loud and proud that the Libertarian party is not populated entirely by disillusioned Republicans.

What hubris to just assume that Libertarians are nothing more than an angry fringe faction of the Republican Party.

Libertarians are from all walks of life, and we have one solid core that no other party, large or small, can claim. We hold the principles of freedom as the highest values for a political party.

Democrats have embraced socialism. This is incompatible with the principles of freedom.

Republicans won't stand up for individual rights. This is incompatible with the principles of freedom.

There are millions of people who see this dichotomy and have decided to make the choice to do something different. Many of them toss their hands in the air, falsely believing that there is no way to break the stranglehold of the two parties, and register as an independent.

Others register with the Libertarians. Don't think for a moment they all came from the Republican party; as if the Libertarian party was some sort of refugee camp for beaten down Republicans.

Perhaps it is wishful thinking? Perhaps those who spew such drivel believe that if they say it enough it must be true, and thus by saying it they can adopt the Libertarians into the GOP orbit by default.

I'm here to tell you, DNC, that your voters are far more disillusioned than the GOP of late. The GOP has suddenly grown a backbone. Being the underdog is what they know best, and they are suddenly good at it again. But the Democrats around the nation are now looking at the ruin their elected officials are trying to foist on the nation and they are asking themselves not only "what have I done?" but "what the hell do I do now?"


We are the party that millions of democrats are looking for, and we're getting our message out.

We're coming for your disillusioned voters who yearn to be free. Discount us at your own peril.