Thursday, February 5, 2009

Washington State Goes for Broke with DNA

I was, once again, surprised and disgusted by the ever reaching hand of government.

Some legislators in Washington State seems to want to just forget those pesky civil rights like protection from unreasonable search and seizure, so long as it solves crimes.

As long as we're going to just take DNA from everyone we arrest, lets also just arrest everyone so we'll have a nice database of it to begin with. In fact, lets also do it to newborns.

Once again we are faced with the old dilemma that just because you can do something does not mean you should. We could also attach tracking devices to everyone. The proponents say it will "solve crimes, protect people and save lives". Lets just grant that they are right. That still does not make it something we should do.

This brings up a critical point. For the last few decades those of us who value civil rights have been on the retreat. We're defending our positions, not advancing the cause of freedom. It's time to take the initiative and push back the ever reaching hand of the government. Make them understand that, if they encroach on our rights, they are out of a job.

It has gotten especially bad in the last few as people seem to think that by dropping a "few unimportant" civil liberties they will increase their personal safety. Let me clue you in on something. These measures are not about your safety, but about the establishments safety. All of these things are designed to make the establishment look busy, but do little to effectively address the issues they claim to address. They have the side effect of taking away your otherwise harmless liberties, in this case, your right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure.

Wake up.
Get informed.
(which will make you angry)
Then get involved.
And do it now.

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