Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Drugs and Freedom

Looks like our overlords in the DNC are showing once again how anti freedom they are, and how conflicted in their philosophy.

It's ok to remove an "nonviable tissue mass" (otherwise known as a developing baby) from a woman's body (called choice), but that same woman cannot smoke a joint!

What is wrong with this picture?

I'll tell you, hypocrisy.

The Democrats (and the Republicans too most of the time) want to control you, and damn the consequences. Never mind that the war on drugs is a complete failure. Ask any DEA agent and he will tell you that the availability of drugs has not gone down despite the billions of dollars spent on it.

That means the DEA is an employment program! Which is bad enough, but if we're going to hire people why not have them do something useful like build roads or damns or paint houses or something, ANYTHING, other than run around pretending to be either 007 or urban combat teams terrorizing the hell out of people are hurting no one.

Whoa, wait a moment! Did I say drug users are hurting no one? Good point, alcohol users are hurting people and so we should outlaw that too. Yes, some people will abuse drugs and hurt others, but most of the time they only hurt themselves. We have proved that interdiction is a failure, and so now the only thing left is to clean up the mess since we can't prevent it. It's against the law to abuse someone else, so let that stand and lets get on with life.

FREEDOM means the ability to chose to do something or not. The DNC does not trust you to make the right choice, so it is going to make it for you.

Now, help me tear down the nanny state!

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