Monday, December 22, 2008

Advancing Freedom

As a freedom loving person I've grown tired of putting up with the misguided rants of the slavers. It is high time we stop being the silent majority and starting being the activist majority. Let us put aside our complacency and put our hand the the torch of freedom that time in inexorably passing to us even without our consent. The forces of the slavers have pushed us back into a corner where no matter which way we turn we step into some trap or another.

This is the same as putting a sealed pot into a stove. The pressure is building up and it can either be released gradually, or explode. A gradual, controlled release is nothing more than lip service token talk from the left to appease the freedom loving people of the world while they affix the final chains of our servitude. Therefor we need, and demand, an explosion!

Take to the pen. Write your papers. Write in your blogs. Write email to your friends and family.

Take to the air waves via radio and tv. Call in to radio shows. STOP buying products that support slaver shows.

Take to the streets. Prepare your banners, talk to your neighbors, and get off your asses.

Take to the ballot box! Campaign. Rally. Vote.

It is time to push the boundaries of servitude back to the far reaches of society, and beyond. Enough of the reckless socialist tax and spending policies that are even now threatening our economy like never before. Resist the stimulus bribes by the politicians. Demand sound fiscal policy. Demand fair taxation. Demand real money and not fiat currency.

Demonstrate our power to those who believe they wield power. Our numbers are a crushing weight under which they cannot hope to prevail if we but apply it.

Pledge, as our founding fathers before us did, our lives, fortune and sacred honor to the advancement of freedom. No longer shall we fight a defensive battle on the retreat plan, but we shall renew our strength and crush our enemies utterly. We shall show no quarter, and expect none. We shall meet them on every battlefield and give them no rest. We shall harass them, and confound them, and frustrate their plans and the sweep them out of office and into the trash bin of history where the belong along with their failed and outdated ideas.

The time of freedom is approaching. You can join us, or be crushed by us, but no one shall stand on the sidelines any longer and watch as an observer.

Washington D.C. will hear us, or be def at its own peril.

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