Monday, January 19, 2009

Kings progress.

Today we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. III, a great man who had a great impact on this nation.

And what did he do?

Did he free the slaves? no, not literally, but in a sense yes. When Dr. King began his civil rights efforts the average black man or woman was in the bondage of second class citizenship. It might seem like centuries ago, especially to those of us such as myself who are too young to have lived through it, but in terms of history it is still fresh. There are plenty of people alive today who marched with King and who can relate their personal experiences.

Was he out to make it so that Rosa Parks could sit in the front of a bus? No.
Was he out to make it so that white-only restaurants had to serve black people too? No.
Was he out to see schools opened to people of color? No.

Those were symptoms of a bigger problem he was hoping to address. The problem was racism itself. Not personal racism so much, although I'm sure he stood against that as well, but the systemic racism that cast one group of people into a second class citizenship.

What, then, was his goal? How would we know if he succeeded?

He told us plainly in his famous "I have a dream" speech. He dreamed of a time when people of all colors would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

I propose that, in a great measure, his dream has failed as much as it has succeeded.

That has to come as a shock to many of you, for anyone can see that, at least by the very minimal measurements I have just put forth his movement was a raging success. The system is free of such things as white-only restaurants, bus seating by color and school segregation. How then can I make such a bold statement?

I make the statement because his dream was bigger than just racism, but involuntary servitude of any kind was repugnant to him. And yet today there is just such a system being placed around the necks of Americans of all color.

My mind is drawn to the racist concept of affirmative action. The very bedrock of the idea is that, all other things held equally, in any give industry or profession the mixture of people in all levels of an organization should be roughly equivalent to the racial distribution of the people who make up that organization. It's a nice sounding theory. I even agree with it, in theory.

But what does that theory say about the American black voter? If it were true then there should be, roughly, 50% of the black voters in the GOP and 50% in the DNC. But that's not what we see. One is forced to ask why?

The reason is because the movement was derailed. It lost its dream when it lost Dr. King. He never dreamed of government housing projects and affirmative action and free schools and high taxes and motrgage company bail outs and all the other things that have inserted themselves into the mindset of the civil rights movement. This is because none of those things are civil rights.

None of those things are rights because they are all services that must be supplied by someone. That someone is the tax payer. The taxpayer does not derive any benefit from those services and is therefore in involuntary servitude.

We all lost when King died. King would never have stood for the welfare state as we see it today. King would have recognized that such a redstributionist policy is nothing more than theft with grandious verbage to mask the injustice.

All King wanted was a fair shot at the American dream. He wanted a better life for his children. He didn't want a goverment nanny state, as those who have hijacked his movement have corrupted it with the introduction of these false civil rights.

But where does this leave us, the Libertarian party? It leaves us with a golden opportunity to revive some of the dream.

The Obama administration will fail to deliver on even a small portion of its promises, and those it does deliver on will cost the US economy such that all will suffer. The fact that a bi-racial man will soon occupy the whitehouse will allow many of the minority voters to put down their blind party aliengence and reliaze that, no matter what the color, the content of a liberals character leads to bondage of people of all color.

This will leave them wondering where they might turn? They will see that the GOP offers no solutions for they are simply the other half ot he DNC.

We can offer them a true alternative.

The Libertarian party offers respect of the individual.
The Libertarian party offers protection of private property.
The Libertarian party offers freedom of life style choices.
The Libertarian party defends the right to defend yourself.
The Libertarian party offers the one neither old party will, freedom.

All we have to do is get the message out.

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