Today Pennsylvania's "Republican" U. S. Senator Arlen Specter became Pennsylvania's "Democrat" U. S. Senator, and nothing changed.
The Senator claimed it was for philosophical reasons, and the Republicans were dismayed to their core, but why should they be? It was for philosophical reasons. The reason being, he has a better chance (in his mind) of maintaining his position in the Senate as part of the current ruling class.
All other talk is pure rubbish, because there is no significant philosophical difference between the GOP and the DNC. Oh the GOP claims it, but lets check the record:
* Massive government spending: Check
* Assaults on every liberty we have: Check
Oh sure, Bush thwarted federal spending on some fetal stem cell research, and the DNC wants to close Guantanamo Bay, but otherwise their are no differences.
Where then, I ask, does this leave the voters of Pennsylvania? Are they going to now find a "real" Republican to put up against Specter in 2010? And would it matter even if they did? A "real" Republican would just be another lip service RINO that would ride the crest until winds of politics blew a different direction.
This is all because the Republican and the Democrats are not rooted in any sort of principles. Their only concern is the acquisition of power, and once acquired, the maintenance of it. what they do with this power is use it for more of the same. They care nothing for the people the pretend to represent and serve.
Now, lest anyone point their finger at me and scream "Hypocrite!" let me explain that I know a thing or two about changing parties. I was a life long Republican, until November 5th, 2008. I have already well documented my reasons for leaving the Republican party, but unlike Specter I did not just jump to a party that better suited my re-election prospects. I moved to a party that walks its talk. Specter did not move to a philosophy that better suited his personal beliefs, he simply switched mascots
The people of Pennsylvania now have one more very visible reason to see the dysfunction that is in their elected officials. Many of them voted "for change", and now they have a golden opportunity to see that the only change they have received is more of the same under a different mascot.
One can only hope that the voters of Pennsylvania, now twice betrayed, once by President Obama being more of the same, and now by Specter being more of the same, will stand up and demand real change. Change that puts liberty first. Change that demands freemarket answers to economic problems. Change that removes government from our personal lives.
Pennsylvania, now is the time to demand the Libertarian party.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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