Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nanny State Belts Citizens

Today the forces of the nanny state took another step in Florida.

Yes, the new "seat belt" law is now in effect. It is now legal for the cops in Florida to pull you over and issue tickets for no other reason than because you are not wearing your seat belt, and I say, what the hell is wrong with these people?

No, not the idiots who don't wear seat belts, and not even the idiot cops who might enforce this law, but the idiot law makers who passed such a stupid law.

If I'm not wearing my seat belt and the worst happens, who is injured? I am, and no one else. So why then does the government think it has the right to tell me not to do admittedly stupid things that hurt no one else?

It thinks it has this right because it has been sold a lie. The lie is that the government exists to protect the people from all threats. The truth is that the government exists to protect people from external threats only. Things we choose to do to or with ourselves are our business.

Now, follow the money. Who benefits from this stupid situation? Two groups. First, the authorities that will be collecting the money from these fines stand to benefit directly. Second, the insurance companies that should now see a drop in the avoidable injury claims as more people are coerced into wearing seat belts. Who is missing from this group? The riders! The riders are not going to benefit from this usurpation of their natural right to choose.

This is because the riders no longer have a choice in the matter and so any gains in safety they might enjoy are negated by the coercive methods used to procure them. Without choice the benefits accrue to others, in this case the state and insurance companies.

So the next time you wear your seat belt, see it for what it really is, a device of your own personal subordination to the government and the insurance companies who bought them.

1 comment:

  1. The problem is the socialization of our government. If you get disabled in a car wreck, the government steps in to "support" you at taxpayers expense. So the claim goes; "If you hurt yourself, you cost us money therefore you are bad if you endanger yourself." If our government would keeps its hands out of such things that non-profits should be doing, then we would not have this problem. It is not our government's responsibility to feed, clothe, house, or take care of our medical needs. There should be not social security, no food stamps, no medicare, no public housing, etc. AND, we should not be paying the tax money to support these endeavors. If my money was not being taken away by taxation then I would have my own money to feed, clothe, house and go to the doctor with. And if I came on bad times, more people would have money, not paid in taxes, to voluntarily help me through non-profit agencies that they choose to support.

    Robert Lance


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